REC.NUDE FAQ--Electronic Access, Part III of III
Archive-name: nude-faq/part3
Version: 2.4
Last-modified: 1995/09/20
Changes this month: Added Dave Rossow's naturist page.
Copies of this article may be obtained by anonymous ftp to under /pub/usenet/news.answers/nude-faq/part3.Z.
Additions marked by + in column 1. Corrections marked by | in column 1.
Online Naturist Resources
1. Internet resources
1. Naturist home page
2. Naturist Legal FAQ (WWW)
3. Naturist Reference pages
4. Naturist-Action listserv
5. The Camping Bares
6. Mooncrow's NW Naturist Page
+ 7. Dave Rossow: Naturism is a more Natural Lifestyle
2. National Online services
1. Online Naturist's Club (Delphi)
2. Prodigy Naturists
3. Compuserve
4. Genie
5. America OnLine
3. Regional and Local BBSs
1. D.C. Bare Line
2. The Natural Connection
3. Western Connection BBS
4. Mid Ohio Bulletin Board
5. International Nudists BBS
6. Echelon MLS
7. North West Nudists BBS
8. Howard's Notebook
9. Fidonet
10. Uropa Online
11. Information Gateway BBS
12. The Antenna Farm BBS
13. ?? BBS
14. Janus BBS
Besides USENET's REC.NUDE, there is:
1. Internet resources
1. The Naturist Home Page is maintained by John Meaker and
contains connections to many Internet naturist resources. The
URL is
2. David Brahm keeps a Legal FAQ which lists laws and court
decisions for many states and areas. The URL is
3. The Naturist Reference pages are a collection of site
reports, organizations, and online references. Clickable maps
make it easy to navigate and find naturist information for
specific areas. The URL is
4. The NATURIST-ACTION list is intended for urgent action
requests for the naturist community; e.g. announcing threats
to nude beaches or nude recreation on public lands. It is NOT
to be used for general discussions. Those should be directed
to Usenet rec.nude. The list is not currently moderated, in
order to allow for the fastest possible dissemination of
information. If the list is abused, it will become moderated.
The NATURIST-ACTION list is NOT sponsored by the Naturist
Action Committee, but it supports the same goals as NAC.
To subscribe to NATURIST-ACTION, send the following command
to in the BODY of your email:
subscribe naturist-action yourInternetAddress
5. The Camping Bares have an introductory letter at
6. Mooncrow's NW Naturism Page is a listing of sites and
information of the Pacific Northwest at
+ 7. Naturism is a more Natural Lifestyle is Dave Rossow's
+ compilation of many naturist organizations and commericial
+ sites. The URL is
2. National Online services
1. Online Naturist's Club
% Michael Corbin
P.O. Box 3201
Lynchburg, VA 24503
DELPHI (computer dial): 1-800-365-4636
At the USERNAME prompt, type JOINDELPHI
At the PASSWORD prompt, type CUSTOM13
Once online, type GO GROUPS CUSTOM 13 and follow instructions
Assistance: Phone (voice) Delphi: 1-800-544-4005
ONC: 1-800-788-9613
2. Prodigy Naturists
Prodigy located the nudist/naturist sections under the
Bulletin Board under the topic heading: NATURISTS.
3. On Compuserve there are two naturist sections.
The oldest is Naturist Lifestyles, which is section 12 in
HSX100. The other is named Naturism/Nudism, section 17 of the
Page 1065 has several topics of interest to naturist/nudists:
Category 2 - California Lifestyles and Attitudes
Topic 6 - Beaches and Tanning
Category 11 - The Laid Back Enquirer
Topic 3 - What do you do nude?
Category 16 - Sports, Health & Adventure in California!
Topic 5 - To TAN or not to TAN?
Topic 6 - Nude beaches, hot springs, & resorts
4. On Genie, the Public Forum, Page 545, in Category 9, Topic 12
is an on-going discussion of nude recreation/lifestyle. The
American West Round-Table, Page 1065, CATegory 44, all topics
include some discussion of naturism. Covers all the Western
States and has a sizable library of files talking about nude
beaches, how to get to them, and how to behave.
Discussion of nudity laws in Florida in USA-EAST Round-Table
on page 1470; has 5 naturist topics in CATegory 8.
There are also a few naturist topics on the Travel
Round-Table on page 560, in CATegory 28.
5. On America-Online, in the Lifestyles & Interests Department
there is "The Exchange" which includes an "Other Special
Interests" forum with two folders called "Nudist & Naturist"
and "Nudism". Not a lot of activity.
3. Regional and Local BBSs
1. D.C. Bare Line - (703) 241-BARE - Telephone Hotline (not a
BBS). Club updates, events, and info. Question & Answer
section and a Comment Line for free-for-all discussions.
2. The Natural Connection - (414) 426-2110 - The Naturist
Society's own BBS. All business with TNS or NAC can be
conducted via e-mail here or on the following services:
Delphi, Online Naturist Club (id: TNS)
Compuserve (id: 76640,633)
Genie (id: Naturists)
Internet (id:
For more info, call Pat O'Brien (voice: (414) 231-9950)
3. Western Connection BBS - Arizona Naturists Roundtable. Call
and sign up then request access to this roundtable from Sysop
or "MusicMan". (602) 881-8283.
4. Mid Ohio Bulletin Board (M.O.B.B). Tom Rothe, Sysop. (419)
756-4958. 300-2400, 24 Hours. Sign up with the sysop for the
nudist conference.
5. International Nudists - International BBS at (902) 742-3399
2-lines 24 hrs/day; set software at n-8-1
6. Echelon MLS - 8 lines, Free access to Naturists (mention this
FAQ), SysOps: Storm, Stellar, and Steel. Local Naturist
Message areas and USENET rec.nude available, plus local chat.
(218) 878-0642 8,N,1
7. North West Nudist's BBS (206) 782-6740 or (206) 788-5836.
From the BBS's purpose statement: "This board is to promote
nudism/naturism in all of it's varied forms. It is intended
for both children and adults, so please keep this in mind
when you post here."
8. Howard's Notebook - (816) 331-5868. Sysop is Jim Howard. Has
had a nudist area since 1982.
9. From (Wayne Silsbee):
"Hi, Steve. Just an update to your r.n FAQ. About five months
ago I started up a Fidonet echo called NATURIST. It's
starting rather slowly here ... but we have about 15
participating systems around the US. Anyone interested may
contact me on the Fido side 1:105/222 for a v32bis feed, or
may contact Greg Martz at 1:3401/1 for a v32bis/HST feed."
For more info:
e-mail uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!223!Wayne.Silsbee
10. Uropa Online - Carries both the Naturist mail area and a
Naturist file area, as well as Rec.nude. It can be reached on
01329-314708 (from the UK) and can be accessed on all speeds
to Vfast 24hrs a day. Sysops name is Iain Littlejohn.
11. Information Gateway BBS. Manny Hernandez, sysop.
404-928-7873. Public Access Usenet Newsgroups/Email. Read
access to most groups including rec.nude is free. Posting
access is free also after validation. Presently carries about
400 groups.
12. The Antenna Farm BBS -- (512) 444-1052. Sysop: Ben Thornton.
Carries rec.nude and the "NATURIST" Fidonet echo. Although it
is primarily geared for radio amateurs, these message areas
may be made available to users upon request. Supports modem
speeds up to 14.4kbps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop.
13. ?? BBS -- (203) 732-0575. Sysop: Terry Smith. Fido Board
which carries Fido Naturist, and has a gated feed of
14. Janus BBS - (540) 869-3843 or (540) 869-5888. Offering users
access to FidoNet's Naturist conference, and a gated feed for
UseNet's rec.nude. Located in Stephens City, VA. Sysop: Sean
Any more Local BBS's with a nudist/naturist bent? Let me know and I'll
add you to the above list.
The above information is far from comprehensive (but hopefully
correct)! I make no guarantees of quality or usefulness. I do not
represent any of the above organizations or companies. I receive no
monetary reward for posting any of this information. Permission must
be requested before posting and copying.
Copyright @1992-1995 Michael O'Neal-Petterson.
Send updates, corrections, comments/criticisms, and requests for
current copies to: The most current version of this
FAQ is always available at
Relax and enjoy, naturally!
Michael O'Neal-Petterson